Greenzie's Demo Day Details

[] On the top level of the Atlanta Tech Village parking lot in early March, a crowd gathered to watch a lawnmower move. Normally a person drives this lawn mower but today the eXmark Vantage S [http://www.…

Where I Spend My Volunteer Time: Burning Letter

There is no coincidence I’m publicly announcing Burning Letter [] on MLK Jr. Day. The power of the written word changes lives. We learn new ideas and perspectives through prose, poetry, and journalism. This is why I’m announcing Burning Letter today: a media outlet to showcase…

Now Is A Great Time to Start a Company

> “Necessity is the mother of taking chances.” – Mark Twain The irony of iconic businesses starting during economic downturns [] is too real. When the opportunity cost is minimal, why not put it all on the line? There is no…

The Power of Voice

> “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.” – Abraham Lincoln This quote is why art matters. This quote is why journalism matters. This quote is why sales and marketing and branding all matter. Conversations spawn from these driving forces and the results…

Winston Churchill's 5 Elements To Great Oratory

I’m currently reading Andrew Roberts’ Churchill: Walking with Destiny. There was a great documentary years ago [] with the same title but this is different. Roberts’ 1000-page book swims quickly. Learning more about Churchill’s writing style and the way he constructed words, I’m convinced…

"I am building a great cathedral."

One of the best stories I recently heard about goal setting and instilling belief of achievement went something like this: “There was a cathedral being built in ancient times. Three men were working with the heavy stones, straining, and sweating for long, hard hours. When asked what they were doing,…