3 SaaS Side Hustles Presenting Next Week

Next week (11/14), our second MeetUp showcasing some of the most interesting side hustles [https://www.meetup.com/Simply-SaaS-Side-Hustles/] in Atlanta will take place at the Atlanta Tech Village. Over 190+ people have joined the MeetUp and 50+ are planning to attend, as of now. We’d love to…

Predicting the Future

It’s fascinating and inspiring to watch how an entrepreneur’s vision comes to fruition. Although vision is only one part of the equation, it’s a big one and getting it right can lead to stars-aligning momentum. No one can predict the future but us crazy entrepreneurs seem to…

This Book Helped Shape Frederick Douglass' Storytelling

> “Every opportunity I got, I used to read this book” – Frederick Douglass, 1845. I recently came across an article about Frederick Douglass that stated how The Columbian Orator [https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=0AVKAAAAIAAJ&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA10](digital version) was a highly influential…

Bobby Jones’ Legacy Spawns Local Change

Driving north on Northside Drive not far after crossing over I-75, a new view has emerged. On the right hand side, a major renovation of Atlanta Memorial Park is almost complete. Atlanta Memorial Park isn’t just any regular park in Atlanta, it also happens to house a municipal golf…

Write The Wikipedia Entry You One Day Want

Every week I find it fascinating to read about the legacies of great business titans in the Wall Street Journal where unfortunately the great Keeper of Time has finally called. The obituaries showcase a bit of why they were successful, normally it’s from one successful business enterprise or another.…

Go-to-Market Lesson Lab - It Takes a Village

Last Friday I was elated to present on the topic of Go-To-Market for the 2nd It Takes a Village [https://atlantatechvillage.com/programs/it-takes-a-village/] cohort. I love everything about Going to Market. I love writing about it, talking about it, and trying to be as creative as possible when it…

3 Presenting Side Hustles Next Week

When one of the presenters asked me a few weeks ago how many people would show up for the first Simply SaaS Side Hustle MeetUp, my guess was 10-15 folks. Amazingly, in the past two weeks since we announced the event, over 120 people have joined the MeetUp [https://www.…

Introducing the Simply SaaS Side Hustle Meetup

[https://www.jonbirdsong.com/content/images/wordpress/2018/08/600_473730585.png] In town, startups have numerous opportunities to share their progress. Atlanta Startup Village [https://www.meetup.com/Atlanta-Startup-Village/], The Consumer Show [https://theconsumer.show/], and Atlanta Startup Battle [https://atlantastartupbattle.com/] are all great options to regularly put…