Why Apply to Atlanta Ventures' SaaS Startup Studio

Over the weekend, David Cummings [http://twitter.com/davidcummings] shared the genesis of the SaaS Startup Studio [https://davidcummings.org/2018/06/30/the-saas-startup-studio/] with Atlanta Ventures. In the past ten years, five and a half of them being in the Atlanta Tech Village, I’ve seen many companies grow…

Stefan Koenig of Hull.io Comes to Simply SaaS

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday 6/27) at 7:30 a.m.Simply SaaS [https://www.simplysaas.com/events/2018/6/27/meetup-with-stefan-koenig]is hosting Hull.io’s [http://www.hull.io] CEO, Stefan Koenig, for a conversation about data, SaaS, and what it takes to build and scale a company in…

Curate and Approve

What happens to a generation when a 20-50 page document gets delivered to your doorstep every day filled with professional insight on daily news, culture, sports, business, and interesting stories? My guess would be that generation grows in thought and perspective, perhaps even empathy. Regardless your occupation, from accountant to…

Belief In You

Losing Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade is tragic. Both were icons in their own field. Understanding ‘why?’ is difficult, if not impossible to answer. Bourdain’s prose and connecting of cultures was genius. Writers and chefs idolize his talents and achievements. Spade’s massive empire, starting with handbags, is the…

Running in the North Georgia Mountain Rain

[https://www.jonbirdsong.com/content/images/wordpress/2018/05/North_Ga_Mountains.jpg] During a run this morning, I reflected on many things I’m grateful for, all in part to the sacrifices of so many. America is the greatest country to build a business. We are a nation of…

Three Types of SaaS Services

I was catching up with a friend who is an engineer a few days ago. We talked about many things under the sun: daycares, ATL United, Atlanta neighborhoods, new SaaS companies, and, of course, products. One re-occurring theme, or as my English teacher put it in high school, motif, is…

How to Get The Most Out of This Thursday's Simply SaaS Forum

[https://www.jonbirdsong.com/content/images/wordpress/2018/05/Tonni-Bennett.png] This Thursday, May 24th, a stellar group of leaders are sharing their learnings and best practices in SaaS [https://www.simplysaas.com/events/2018/5/24/simply-saas-forum]. Our first Simply SaaS Forum was a lot of fun and the…


Do you remember that one, seemingly small tidbit of information that changed a significant direction of your life? It could have been the book recommendation from a stranger or the moral of a story told by a speaker at an event you went to last-minute. Perhaps it was more direct…