Map the Clothes

We’ve all heard the saying: “dress for the job you want.” [/content/images/wordpress/2018/01/sidney-poitier-later-years-in-hollywood-e1516971840988.jpg] I get that and have always believed it to some extent. Times are changing though. Today, the delineation between “success” and nice threads are not as correlative as they used to…

Fuqua on Entrepreneurship and "Getting Hooked"

Biographies and memoirs share so much about how people think and make decisions, which makes them my favorites genre of books. I just recently finished Fuqua []. It’s a memoir by J.B. Fuqua: one of Atlanta’s premiere businessmen over…

Franklin & Winston: Find a Shared Truth

John Meacham’s story on the relationship of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill [] is an engaging one around two leaders testing the limits on leadership, friendship, politics, and foreign policy. I’m half way through the book and the dog ears on the…

My Experience With No Car in Atlanta For Nearly a Year

Yesterday was bittersweet. It was the final day of a “two week experiment” that turned into an 11 month lifestyle change filled with adventure, new perspective, and wonderful stories. Yesterday we went from a one car family to a two car family. The simple and exciting reason: our family is…

The Surprise Fries Bliss

There have been two recent instances involving Chick-fil-a waffle fries that spur me to write. These are not the regular Chick-fil-a waffle fries, although I do love the big crispy bite with an ounce of fluff. Those fries are exceptional and expected. You eat them in the middle of a…

Why Atlanta's Collapse(s) Are Good For Us

Yesterday late afternoon/early evening I was on the roof of the Atlanta Tech Village watching what seemed like a never ending smoke machine spewing out black clouds. Searching Twitter showed that I-85 was on fire. No good. Thirty minutes into the political fundraiser for Peter Aman […

The Market

I’ve prioritized sales. I’ve prioritized product []. I’ve prioritized messaging. I’ve prioritized marketing. One item I always kind of left to chance or dare I say luck was the market. The market, just like on Wall Street, is a…

Raising Standards on Today's Rhetoric

I’m just as disappointed in myself as I am with the rest of the nation when it comes to the current level of rhetoric in politics. I’ve excitingly watched more Republican debates than Democratic (normally I try to keep them level) merely because of sheer entertainment. Watching Trump…