How I Would Get Donald Trump Out of the Presidential Race

Monday is the Iowa caucus. This political season has been some of the most entertaining but when November comes, it’s serious business. Donald Trump is one of the most entertaining figures in the world. I remember reading the Art of The Deal in college and loving it. Back then,…

My Reading Game Plan for 2016

“A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That is why i read so much.” -Tyrion Lannister In a classic exchange between Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister, Tyrion describes why he reads so much. One of my largest regrets in 2015…

The Shakespearean Ripening of a New Market: People's Feedback

Preparing The Globe Theatre The banana is still green but shades of a prescient, yellow harvest is on the way. Yesterday’s product announcement of PeopleSpark, a brainchild of Bigcommerce co-founder and board member Mitch Harper, is another telling sign that people’s feedback is more than an interesting niche…

We Can Talk, But Customers Talk, So Talk About Them

Hosting 29 Atlanta Startup Villages has provided significant exposure toabout 125 early stage technology companies [](we’ve had a few that had 4 companies present). Each early stage company has a unique story. What they do, why they should be on stage, and most importantly who’…

Real Customers Breed Real Businesses

A few months ago, over an entertaining and always-enlightening dinner with one of Atlanta’s most active investors and entrepreneurs, he expressed an insight elicited among the West Coast investor community that still resonates heavily in how we build Rivalry. The insight revolved around investments into companies with real customers.…

Go to Market with Absolute Truths

[/content/images/wordpress/2015/07/a-few-good-men-Tom-Cruise-Lt-Daniel-Kaffee-1024x578.jpg] Going to market is extremely difficult. An entrepreneur must earn the prospect’s time, convince them your software is worth using, and provide value where it saves their business significant money, time, and resources. This is all before we get to pricing! Entrepreneurs…

Persuasion and Logic From Abraham Lincoln

Whether you’re starting a company, building a product, or shaping public policy, each one always start with an idea. It’s not just one “aha!” idea. The difficulty in all 3 rests in the organization, analysis, and prioritization of mixed and mashed ideas timed around history, social forces, timing…

Prod Decisions

The most compelling software in the world prods decisions. While on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Salesforce you have so many decisions for hundreds of data points. Every piece of content has a myriad of decisions to take ranging from favoriting/liking, commenting, retweeting, blocking, replying, updating, or clicking, just to…