6 Months of Homework For Life

On January 17th this year, I started a daily habit called Homework for Life. I learned this tool from the book Storyworthy [https://www.amazon.com/Storyworthy-Engage-Persuade-through-Storytelling/dp/1608685489] ,written about earlier here. [https://www.jonbirdsong.com/2019/01/31/a-podcast-about-micro-transformations/] Homework for Life is the act of writing a…

SaaS Companies Going Direct to Consumer via Media

Marketers across the world undoubtedly have heard the saying, “content is king” for the past several years. Content marketing in the late 2000’s and early 2010’s was the rage particularly as social media pervaded our iPhones. Marketing savants and guru’s like Gary Vee (who impressively has his…

When to Peak

“Don’t peak when you’re in high school” is advice I heard a dad give his son recently. The advice is sound but a larger question prevails with many questions behind it: When should one peak? And peak in what? Happiness. Influence. Contentment. Love. Harmony. Health. Wealth. I have…

College Is Not a Cheap Place To Find Your Career Passion, Especially in Sales

Thinking about student debt, particularly with Robert F. Smith’s donation still top of mind [https://www.jonbirdsong.com/2019/05/20/robert-f-smiths-donation-to-the-morehouse-graduating-class/] , I’m wondering what will be the solution to generations of students entering the work force with debt.Higher education costs have far exceeded inflation [https://www.…

Robert F. Smith's Donation to Morehouse's Graduating Class of 2019

Over the weekend, approximately 400 Men of Morehouse turned into Morehouse Men. The latter term is the lifetime distinction received on graduation day. This year’s commencement speech was unlike any other. Numerous media outlets covered the stunning story of billionaire investor and founder of Vista Equity Partners, Robert F.…

Millennial Whisperer: Book Review

When I first saw the title of Chris Tuff’s recent book: The Millennial Whisperer [https://www.amazon.com/Millennial-Whisperer-Profit-Focused-Motivating-Generation-ebook/dp/B07NJ4WWXQ/] , I was suspect. Is this a real thing…a Millennial Whisperer? What does Chris know about millennials that millennials don’t know about themselves? My interest was piqued…

Start Small With Consulting, Then Scale With Product

Great momentum builders in the early years of a business revolve around finding and earning those precious first customers. Finding a paying customer quickly is advantageous, particularly for first time entrepreneurs. Paying customers bring cash and create good ‘restless-sleep’ momentum. In addition, they provide product usage and feedback. I’ve…

Inspirational.com: Digital Well Being and Anti-Screen Addiction

Ever since we doubled down starting new companies out of Atlanta Ventures [https://davidcummings.org/2018/06/30/the-saas-startup-studio/]the energy around the office is beyond spirited and borderline frenetic. Autonomous lawnmower parts [https://www.jonbirdsong.com/2019/03/25/details-on-greenzies-demo-day/]can be found around the office, meetings left and…